» USTA Adult Leagues

2007 NTRP Appeal Form

Appeals can now be done online when you enter your usta number:


2007 - Only a player may appeal his/her computer-generated rating. To file an appeal, you must submit this form to your section/district by their prescribed date. No appeal will be accepted after that date. See your section web site for deadline. Please note that no national championship benchmark rating may be appealed the first year received except for medical.

There are limited reasons an appeal can be granted:


A New player (self-rated) with 4 or fewer dynamic ratings may be granted an appeal if it falls within .20 above the level.


All players, except national benchmarks, whose rating is within .05 above or below NTRP level will be granted.

All players, except national benchmarks, who will be 60 years of age or older during the league year and whose rating is within .10 above or below will be granted an appeal.

A One year or older national benchmark whose rating is within .05 above or below NTRP level may be considered.

A Year old computer rating that falls within .10 above IF the next highest approved NTRP level is not available.


A Permanent disabling injury or illness occurring after yearend ratings were achieved

Players will be notified in writing as to whether their appeals were granted or denied.

NOTE: NTRP Computer Ratings are good for 3 years (2 years for those age 60 or older during 2007)

An individual must play at their published rating or higher.

Year-End NTRP Appeal Form

Submit to: Becky Blalock, WYOTA District Office, P O Box 1247, Laramie, WY 82073 by February 28, 2007.

Name: ________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________


Phone: (_____) ________________________________

Fax: (_____) ________________________________

e-mail _______________________________________

Date of Birth: _______________

Circle: Male / Female Right-handed / Left-handed

USTA #: ____________________ Expires: ___________

Section: _____________Area/District : ______________

State NTRP level beside each Division you played. Mark

“n/a” if you did not play in a division

______Adult ______Senior ______Mixed

______Super Senior _____ Mixed Senior _____Combo

Team Number(s) and Names:


____Year-End ____ Mixed Exclusive _____ Medical

_____ Supporting documentation on letterhead attached

_____ Have you appealed a medical condition before?

If Yes: Section _________ Date ________

Note: Medical appeal of national benchmark will be

forwarded to the National League Administrator.

Rating as published: _________________

Request rating change to: _____________


Player’s Signature



