2024 USTA Wyoming League Registration is Open!
Here is a brief explanation of the leagues that the Wyoming District offers:
USTA 18 & Over Adult League combines singles and doubles play for each team match for players 18 & over at the time the league begins. Levels range from beginner (2.5) through advanced (4.5) in women’s divisions and from beginner (3.0) through advanced (4.5) in men’s divisions. Match format for 2.5 level consist of 1 singles and 2 doubles, and for all other levels (3.0 - 4.5) consists of 2 singles and 3 doubles.
USTA 40 & Over Adult League is for men and women that are will be at least 40 years of age this calendar year. League matches consist of three doubles matches. Levels range form beginners (3.0) through advanced players (4.0) in both men’s and women’s divisions. Match format consists of 1 singles and 3 doubles.
USTA 55 & Over Adult League is for men and women that will be at least 55 years of age this calendar year. League matches consist of three doubles matches and levels are combined for doubles and include 6.0, 7.0, 8.0. Match format consists of 3 doubles.
USTA Adult 65 & Over League is for men and women that will be at least 65 years of age this calendar year. League matches consist of three doubles matches and levels are combined for doubles and include 6.0, 7.0, 8.0. Match format consists of 3 doubles.
18 & Over Tri-Level League is exactly what it sounds like, a league that allows teams to be made up of three levels of players. Open to players 18 & over at the time the league begins, there are men's & women's leagues with three doubles per team & each line at a different NTRP level of 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5. Players from each team compete against the same ability. Local league play is being offered in all Wyoming communities that are able to field at least two men's or women's teams.
Mixed Doubles – Wyoming has three mixed doubles leagues – USTA 18 & Over Mixed Doubles, USTA 40 & Over Mixed Doubles and the ITA Mixed Doubles. Matches consist of three mixed doubles matches. Levels are combined for USTA 18 & Over Mixed Doubles and for the USTA 40 & Over Mixed Doubles include 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 levels. The ITA Mixed Doubles also consists of three mixed double matches and include 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, and 8.5 levels. Match format consists of 3 doubles.
If you are new to league tennis or want to see who else around the state might need another player for a team or to see if someone would like to join you on a team, please complete this brief
info form so we can identify the best opportunity for you to play league tennis.
Join in on the FUN and get on a League Team Today!