The UWYO Club Tennis Team recently took two (2) teams, Team Brown and Team Gold, to Salt Lake City UT for the Intermountain Tennis on Campus Sectional Championships. What a great opportunity for the players. Who plays for the UWYO Tennis on Campus Teams?
Team Gold members: Gigi Ruskowsky, Sean Feehan, Maddie Mackie, Alan Alexeyev, Katie Stewart, WIll Rich, and Ethan Lynn
Team Brown members include: Jessica Wegener, Austin Fermelia, Meghan Neville, Zac Hall, Chris Cook, Sam Hill, and Pat Schum.
How did they do against the other colleges and university teams? The Gold Team took 2nd place in the silver Bracket and the Brown Team took 1st place in the bronze division.
What's up next? The UWYO Tennis ON Campus Team is hosting a tournament in Laramie on Saturday, April 25. If you want more information contact Sean Feehan (President - UWYO Club Tennis) at Get out and help support these Young Gun's!
“Our regional tournament in Salt Lake City this past weekend went great! We all had a great experience and couldn't have afforded to go without your help. Thank you so much for the USTA WY financial assistance,” Sean Feehan (President, UWYO Club Tennis Team).
The USTA WY office provided an entry fee scholarship for both teams to enter the Sectional Tennis on Campus tournament. CONGRATS to both teams and well done!!