The Intermountain Tennis Association (ITA) selected the University of Wyoming Varsity Tennis Complex as the 2012 Organization of the Year. Dean Clower, UWYO Varsity Tennis Coach and USTA WY Board member accepted the award for the UWYO at the ITA Annual meetings in Denver, Colorado on December 1, 2012.
This award is given annually to recognize the services rendered to Intermountain’s USTA members by its member organizations: Community Tennis Associations, Clubs, Park and Recreation Departments, etc. Section winners are submitted to the USTA for the National Organization of the Year Award.
The UWYO have hosted USTA tournaments (junior and adults), USTA WY District JTT Championships, and USTA WY District Adult, Senior League Playoffs and the Fall Mixed Doubles . They support the UWYO Club Tennis Team and hosted a Tennis On Campus match. They recently hosted a 10 and Under PlayDay and had over 800 at their last PlayDay event! They are also a registered Campus QuickStart site – one of only 30 currently registered Campus QuickStart Programs in the US.
CONGRATULATIONS to Dean Clower and the University of Wyoming Varsity Tennis Complex on being the 2012 USTA Intermountain Section Organization of the Year!